Maternity photo sessions are always one of my favorites, but add into the mix a documentary In-home session and it tops my list. What could possibly be sweeter than capturing the memorable moments of a family living life together.
Getting ready to welcome a new baby into the family is a milestone that tends to bring a shift in a families "normal". That's why documenting the journey is so important. Photos of your whole family preparing for a new little one and how you spent those last weeks before he or she arrived are a precious gift for your children and generations to come.
Too often, we, as mom's, are behind the camera snapping photos of our children's milestones, but how much more relevant and profound would those photos be to our children if they were able to see us in the photos marking those milestones side by side with them.
MILESTONES: an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development.
Don't miss out on the beauty of participating and displaying the legacy of your family by being behind your camera. Let me show you the real beauty or your real life through photos that tell your story and mark your milestones.