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In-Home Newlywed Session- Hillsdale, Michigan

I was once asked why I loved documenting newlyweds and why it held such significance for me. It was a great question and one I didn't hesitate to answer. This time is fleeting. It is precious and monumental. I recently attended a funeral for our dear neighbor lady. She had a passion for photography and even had a dark room in a closet in one of the upstairs bedrooms. When she died her granddaughter found and shared a plethora of black and white photos from when her grandma and grandpa were young, those days when it was just the two of them.

When I saw those iconic photos it cemented something that was already brewing within me. A need, a desire, a passion to document the lives of married couples, not just young and newlywed, but of all ages. I want to be able to capture the love of two people, to tell their story through photos, so that they in turn can share the beauty of their marriage to future generations.

Maybe it's the romantic in me or quite possibly the storyteller and memory collector, but when I look at the photos I've taken of married couples my heart celebrates in the stories of love I see there.

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